HomeShopMicrodosingPsychedelicsPsilocybinPF Classic Magic Mushroom Grow Kit

PF Classic Magic Mushroom Grow Kit

Information about the strain 

PF Classic Psilocybe Cubensis strain grows easily in your home and produces many flushes, so if you go for a quantity that’s the perfect strain for you. PF Classic are late to mature so they don’t drop spores until the mushrooms are fully grown.


PF Classic strain elicits the “classic” psilocybin effects, including euphoria, visual stimulation, sensory enhancement/synesthesia, deep introspection, amplified emotions, mystical feeling and connectivity.  This makes it a versatile strain, suitable for either therapeutic or recreational use, and great for beginners to both consume and grow.



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Heating mat for grow kits

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  • 50 – 75  mm in diameter, broadly convex to plane at maturity. Yellowish-brown maturing to yellow. Surface dry with small remnants of universal veil on cap (spots). Flesh white soon bruising bluish green.
  • Greyish colouration in young fruit bodies becomes somewhat darker at maturity.
  • Spore Print: dark purple-brown
  • 150 mm in length, yellowish, bulbous. Flesh bruising bluish green where injured. Partial veil nearly absent, not usually leaving a ring on the stem.
  • Fruiting temperature 22 – 24 °C

Content of the PF Classic Grow Kit

  • PF Classic mycelium box
  • Special plastic bag
  • Paper clip

The EZ-Grow Classic, the result of more than 25 years of experience. Grow psycho-active mushrooms at home! This kit will grow 200 – 500 grams of fresh mushrooms within 2 or 3 weeks. It is very easy to use and works in every home.

We recommend beginning your magic mushroom cultivation right after you purchase the grow kit, if for any reason you can not do so, keep your grow kit in the original packaging in the refrigerator.


The Psilocybe Cubensis PF Classic grow kit is very easy to use:

  • It could be that the mycelium has not entirely grown in the casing layer. Should that be the case, put the grow kit in a warm place of around 26 degrees Celsius, until you see the mycelium is growing above the surface. Only then proceed with step 2, when the mycelium is visible at the surface.
  • Carefully remove the lid of the grow kit.
  • Pour 200 ml of tap water into the bag. This will keep the relative humidity at a high level.
  • Place the kit in the bag with caution.
  • Fold the top side of the bag 2 to 3 times, put it on a paper clip, and place it in a warm spot of approximately 23 -26 degrees Celsius, but not in full sunlight.
  • After the third day, cut 2 holes on each size at the size of a euro coin.
  • After 6 to 10 days you will see that buds have formed on the surface of the kit. If the buds have the size of a pinhead, you can slightly spray them every other day with water to keep the surface moist.
  • The buds will develop into full-grown mushrooms in a few days, ready to be harvested. 


The mushrooms are ready to harvest once they reach their maximum size, but the caps are not fully opened. It seems easy at the first look, but once the first mushrooms are big enough to harvest there will be some medium and small mushrooms around that could still grow. However, we do recommend harvesting all the flush fully this way you will avoid Grow kit contamination and the second flush will start growing soon after. 

Get ready to pick your magic mushrooms: wash your hands very well, use the hand sanitiser or sterile rubber gloves, hold the mushroom stem with two fingers, and twist it until it is released from the surface. It might bring slight damage to the surface, but that is almost unavoidable.


An effective recreational dose of Psilocybe Cubensis is regarded as 3 – 5 g of dried mushrooms. The user might want to use different dosages for different purposes, raining from mild psycho stimulation produced by a small mushroom to a “full blast” or ego dissolution.


To store, the mushrooms are dried in the air at more or less room temperature (devices for drying food are also suitable; they can also be dried on a grate next to the source of the warmth). Overly long drying and high temperatures should be avoided. When the mushrooms are crispy, they should be placed into airtight containers. For even longer-lasting, they can be pleased in the freezer, this way they won’t lose their effectiveness for years. The mushrooms should not be frozen until they are completely dry.


Magic mushrooms can not be consumed on a daily recreational basis, for they would quickly cease to be effective. If psilocybin is ingested more frequently than once a week this can quickly lead to the development of a considerable tolerance.


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